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Dymola - Applications

Here are a few of Dymola's applications in industry:
  • Dynasim's Dymola Software Helps Toyota Design and Rapidly Bring New Hybrid Car to Market. The development of the Coordinated Control System for the Toyota Prius hybrid car with both a standard engine and an electrical motor posed new challenges during the design about four years ago. Since torque is delivered from two sources, a completely new coordinated controller needed to be developed and tested. more...
  • Real-time Simulation of Industrial Robots with Dymola. A detailed model of an industrial robot is simulated in real-time and driven by the actual robot control hardware. The robot model includes the mechanical structure, gearbox effects such as elasticity and Coulomb friction, electrical motors and the axes controllers. more...
  • Dymola Generates Dynamic Inversion Flight Control Laws for Automatic Aircraft Landing. The objective of the European project REAL - Robust and Efficient Autopilot Control Laws Design - was to improve the efficiency of the design process for autopilot control laws, and to increase robustness of the resulting control laws against uncertainty in the aircraft design model. more...

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