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Dymola - Dynamic Modelling Laboratory

Are you using a control block diagramming tool to model the plant?

Learn how much easier life can be using a tool created for modeling multi-domain complex systems.

Read about the evolution of simulation.

Even early man learned to use the right tool for the job. Enter Dymola.

Dymola is a comprehensive modeling and simulation environment supporting multiple engineering disciplines of mechanics, electronics, thermodynamics, chemistry, hydraulics, and control systems.

The development environment provides drag-and-drop creation of complex models through the use of visually representative icons.

Click to enlarge.

Dymola utilizes Modelica for its modeling representations. Modelica is a powerful object-oriented, open-source language designed to allow convenient, component-oriented modeling of complex physcial systems representing multi-domain engineering problems.
Pricing Information

System Requirements:

  • Windows, Sparc/Solaris, HP/UX, Linux

MATLAB, Simulink, and Handle Graphics are trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc.